Sunday, March 8, 2009


Go2Web20 is a Web 2.0 tool directory. It is organized by tags, common terms given to describe the site. All one needs to do is click on the "tags" drop down menu. A list of tags, clouded for conviencence, will pop up. Click on the tag that bests describes the tool you are looking for. A list of icons will drop down of all the sites that have been tagged with that choice. Click on any icon and check out the site.

There is a lot of sites here and it may look intimidating to some. One does not need to look at everything. It is like a phonebook. Check out the sites you are looking for.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 is mindmapping/webbing/brainstorming/clustermap tool is very easy to use and makes a nice print off for students. After a simple signup process, students can create a bubble map. This program allows you to create multiple main topics and sub topics. Choose colours and easily move and connect bubbles.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This new, incredibly easy podcasting web app. allow you to record and and email or embed almost intantly.  No sign up required!  Do not need to edit, adjust, add, subtract or multiply!  Just record, copy and paste or email.

I forsee myself using this in a number of ways.  Reading recordings.  Out of class discussions.  Blogging... and many more ideas pop into mind.